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Did Not Meet Requirements

The table below provides reasons why Research Proposals have not met the requirements check carried out by Study Sponsors/Funders. More information is usually sought from requestors before the proposal is turned down.

The Research Proposal is not seeking access to anonymised patient level data
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
615 GSK
618 GSK
633 GSK
690 GSK
938 BI/GSK/Roche
941 Roche
1047 GSK
1087 GSK
1107 GSK
1589 Novartis
The Research Proposal did not meet the Sponsor/Funder policies for informed consent
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
931 BI/GSK
The Research Proposal required data that was not collected in the studies requested
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
1552 Novartis
1908 Lilly
11762 Novartis
The Research Proposal competes with the sponsor's publication plan
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
1235 BI
1245 BI
11564 Novartis
11904 Bayer
Sponsor doesn't have the legal authority to provide the datas
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
1751 Astellas
Researcher was directed to Sponsor Clinical Study Reports to find the data requested
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
5680 Lilly
The product is currently undergoing regulatory activities and data cannot be shared at this time
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
11480 Sanofi
The image data requested is not in a format that can be easily anonymized
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
11231 Eisai
Plans are not consistent with the requirement for any model and/or code to be published in a manner that allows their broad non-commercial use
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
12016 GSK
Novartis will not share case narratives, documentation for adjudication, imaging data (e.g. x-rays, MRI scans, etc.), genetic data and exploratory biomarker data.
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
1848 Novartis
It is essential for GSK that where GSK data are made available to an academic group to train an AI/ML model, the model
   and code are published in a manner that allows their broad non-commercial use. Since your plans are not consistent with this requirement, GSK will not be able to agree to your request.
Proposal number Sponsor / Funder
12032 GSK

+ The Research Proposal is not seeking access to anonymised patient level data

+ The Research Proposal did not meet the Sponsor policies for informed consent

+ The proposed research required data that was not collected in the studies requested

+ The Research Proposal competes with the Sponsor's publication plan

+ Sponsor doesn't have the legal authority to provide the datas